In this section you will find the answers to the most frequently asked questions related to the operation of the Art Rights platform.
If you still have doubts you can check the Help page o la or the step by step guide.
Art Rights is the first platform to support the management and certification of works of art to protect artists, collectors and operators in the sector.
Art Rights becomes the “work passport”, with a unique system for validating information and documentary equipment by multiple professionals in favor of authenticity, Provenance and Due Diligence for greater trust in the market.
In complete privacy, security and legal validity, the platform uses cutting-edge technologies such as Blockchain for the Timestamp validation and the training of an artificial intelligence neural network for the verification of authenticity, market analysis and collection management with Art service. Concierge, in collaboration with the main service and market players.
Among the various technologies, Art Rights also uses the Blockchain, as a further confirmation of “TIMESTAMP”, that is, of time stamp, to demonstrate that a file, in our case an ART RIGHTS CERTIFICATE, was created at a specific time that can be demonstrated and VERIFIED in favor. the protection of copyright, against fakes and counterfeits in art.
We care about your PRIVACY, for this NO personal data of our users or of the works of art inserted, is shared externally or entered on the network, before an encryption.
Blockchain technology relies on decentralized databases to form a digital register whose information is confirmed by many parts of the world, becoming unchangeable.
The data entered is stored in cryptographic blocks, which form an incorruptible, immutable and traceable chain, the verification of which is reliable, safeguarding privacy rights and guaranteeing the security of the information recorded.
Each transaction, registered on Blockchain, is encrypted, returned with an alphanumeric code, which only its recipient is able to decipher.
The “VALIDATORS” are verified and registered users on the platform such as Artists, Collectors, Art Galleries, public and private institutions, as well as professionals able to confirm and validate information on works of art.
Art Rights strongly believes that its history is behind a work, for this reason it has created a unique system to trace the history of the works in favor of authenticity and enhancing all the stakeholders who have contributed to increasing the historical, cultural and economic value of a work of art.
For this reason, the VALIDATORS confirm the information of the Art Rights Certificates, according to their competence, NOT confirming the authenticity or not, but declaring to have dealt with the work submitted for request according to individual competence, creating a true reputation ecosystem behind the ‘Opera.
In this way also the framers, transporters, curators, critics, insurers, museums, institutions, fairs, galleries, professionals and obviously the artists themselves contribute to creating a PASSPORT of the work of art by certifying the individual sections and information according to relevance, knowledge and experience.
The single VALIDATOR receives a compensation for each VALIDATION ISSUED equal to 80% of the fee paid by the applicant, thus creating new earning opportunities.
Art Rights takes care of its COMMUNITY for this reason, daily checks and practices are carried out in favor of transparency and correctness of information.
It is a simplified and quick procedure to certify and insert works of art on Art Rights, consisting of a reduced section of information.
By filling in the sections of the Fast Rights or completing all the required sections you can obtain the Art Rights Certificate.
You can at any time integrate and modify the information or insert all the fields of the complete procedure made of over 10 points for a professional management of your collection directly from your “ART MANAGER”, by clicking on “WORK DETAILS” and then from the action bar below on “EDIT”.
Art Rights has created a system so that registered USERS are VERIFIED and in which the User undertakes to provide truthful and complete information, assuming every wider responsibility.
The ART RIGHTS CERTIFICATE is automatically generated by taking note of the information provided by the USER and thus by any third party VALIDATORS, becoming a single document in PDF format and then being certified in the Blockchain for a temporal validation that fixes the date, time and content of the certificate .
The legal validity is proven by the so-called “LEGAL PACKAGE” downloadable from your “ART MANAGER” in the “WORK DETAIL” where you will have access to the native OTS and PDF file used for cryptography in Blockchain which certifies the procedures for time stamping .
Yes, it is possible to share one or more works with your own information, INVITING the external user to register on the platform for free to view the data on the work.
Once registered with the same EMAIL you indicated, the new USER will find your WORK in his “ART MANAGER” in the “ART RIGHTS” section.
In this way, the user who received the VALIDATION request can accept it and receive payment or refuse it.
No information will be sent via EMAIL in addition to the data you entered and the reason for the request / invitation, if the external user does not register, no data will be shared.
The ART MANAGER of Art Rights is the section for managing your art collection and information on your works, where you can check the certification status and the details you have entered on the platform and continue to update the information or insert new works.
From the ART MANAGER, you can SEND information about your works outside the platform, CERTIFY and download the Art Rights Certificates, MODIFY the information on the individual works of art or add new ones and still SELL your works or your Art Rights Certificates.
For more information, see the Help page of Art Rights.
It is the area where it is possible to view, manage and verify Art Rights Certificates.
All the external activities of your certificates, of the works shared with you and by you with other users, are included for those sold or awaiting validation.
Furthermore, if you receive an external ART RIGHTS CERTIFICATE, it is possible to verify whether that work is actually authentic and present on the platform through the VERIFICATION button.
For more information, see the Help page of Art Rights.
The Art Concierge section of Art Rights offers registered users the opportunity to get in touch with the major professionals for the management, promotion, enhancement and protection of works of art or entire collections.
Within the section you can select the service and contact the most suitable professional.
The contact service is free for the USER and Art Rights does not receive any royalties nor is it responsible for the private negotiations that can be triggered.
The professional operators of ART CONCIERGE are carefully selected by Art Rights to ensure maximum professionalism within the community.
To be able to propose yourself as an ART CONCIERGE Professional and thus receive requests for quotations from Users and appear in the window, you can request on the reserved Art Concierge page to find out how and costs.
It is a digital document with legal validity that contains all the information entered by the user registered on the platform.
The ART RIGHTS CERTIFICATE, consisting of 10 fillable sections, becomes a protocol for the exchange of information on works of art in favor of due diligence and provenance.
It is a unique code that the platform attributes to the individual works at the time of registration, present in the Art Rights Certificate.
The user has the right to modify the data entered in the individual sections of the form, with the exception of the ARTWORK section, this to guarantee the integrity of the work registration process.
The verified user assumes full responsibility and truthfulness of the information on the works included in the platform and certified with explicit acceptance.
The Tag Art Rights field is linked to an innovative crypto-material system to associate the physical work with its information that will be activated in the coming months.
The field is located in the first part of the Art Rights Certificate and currently does not have to be completed.
The Art Rights Certificate is made up of 10 sections that can be filled in and changed over time, which is why in the phase of inserting a work of art on the platform it is possible to select and certify only the sections that have been filled in with information.
The 10 sections of which the Art Rights Certificate is composed can be shared all or in part, in fact the user has the possibility to select only and exclusively the information he wishes to share with an external or internal user of the Art Rights platform.
Among the sections of the Art Rights Certificate, the one called CONDITION REPORT allows you to enter all the physical details of the work, including technique and materials.
No, the information and images of the works inserted on the Art Rights platform in complete privacy and security are visible only by the user who provided for their insertion and viewable in the personal section of the Art Manager.
The Art Rights platform welcomes all works of any nature, allowing the user to create their own archive of works of art in its entirety and complexity.
If you decide not to renew your Art Rights subscription, you can keep all the physical files and the Art Rights Certificates in PDF together with the legal packages that you have downloaded until the expiry day, while from the next day you will no longer be able to access your Art Manager and to the files of the uploaded works.
To be able to access your works again you will need to renew your subscription, alternatively you can keep the Art Rights Certificates and related documentation locally on your computer and they will still remain valid in their Blockchain timestamp certification.
If you have released Validations to third parties, these will remain in the respective owners’ Art Rights Certificates.
We will keep your data up to 15 calendar days from the expiry of the contract to allow you to renew it, after this date we will proceed with the cancellation in respect of your privacy and it will no longer be possible to recover the information of your works.
The platform supports jpg, png and pdf images
Here at Art Rights we believe in a different art, accessible and digitized, which is why we have decided to offer the platform’s services at a competitive price, for artists for only € 4 / month or € 50 / year. For all the details see the page “Pricing”
Within the platform you will find the “Art Concierge” section, where you can select the services divided by categories and contact the most suitable professional.
The contact service is free for the USER and Art Rights does not receive any royalties nor is it responsible for the private negotiations that may be triggered.
The professional operators of the ART CONCIERGE are carefully selected by Art Rights to ensure maximum professionalism within the community.

For any doubt, you can send us a request for assistance, using the EMAIL with which you registered: