The NFT Magazine: Dangiuz on the cover of the #04 Issue
After crypto artists such as Hackatao and Refik Anadol, Dangiuz will be the next protagonist of the cover of The NFT Magazine, chosen by the Readers Club community.
Dangiuz will be the protagonist of the #04 ISSUE cover of The NFT Magazine with a public drop scheduled for February 2nd.
The artist was chosen directly by the Readers Club, the community of readers of the magazine who, thanks to the possession of previous issues, have the right to vote both on the themes proposed and on the cover artist who can choose from a pool of names of great importance in the panorama crypto.
Il nuovo numero di The NFT Magazine sarà distribuito in edizione limitata di sole 1.100 copie – 200 in più rispetto al precedente volume– con focus su Metaverse e NFT gaming.
The new issue of The NFT Magazine will be distributed in a limited edition of only 1,100 copies – 200 more than the previous volume – with a focus on Metaverse and NFT gaming.
There will be insights into the most used metaverse of the moment, the precursors of the current metaverse, the various games on the blockchain; in addition there will be a focus on the 10 best games on the Ethereum blockchain, together with exclusive interviews with major players in the NFT world.

Who is Dangiuz?
Leopoldo D’Angelo (Turin, 1995) better known under the pseudonym of “Dangiuz“, is a contemporary Italian visual artist, crypto artist, art director and graphic designer specializing in science fiction and retro-futuristic themes.
His work has been featured in various art networks, magazines, exhibitions and galleries, including Sohu, Arte, Wallpaper *, NVIDIA Studio Standouts, Juxtapoz Magazine, Digital Production, the official Maxon Cinema 4D gallery, the “DART2121” exhibition at the Museo della Permanente in Milan and the “Heart of Cyberpunk” exhibition in Hong Kong, as well as collaborating with Rui Hachimura on the design of his kimono and with Maserati on the concept art of their MC20.

The main work of the ISSUE # 04 cover of The NFT Magazine is “WAITING”.
“Waiting is a particular artwork because I combined different techniques which I don’t often use.
It takes place in one of my downtown megacities, and it portrays my usual female character with her kitty, waiting for the last train. I really liked the outcome, particularly the shades going from cyan, to blue, to purple. It’s one of my most popular artworks all over the internet.”
This artwork was sold on SuperRare for 63,3 ETH
As for the previous ISSUES, distribution and sales are divided into different moments, with priority access to holders who are part of the Readers Club, readers who have purchased the previous editions.
Then it is the turn of the presale for the community of Discord, Telegram and Newsletter, then the public drop.
The starting price for everyone is 0.05 ETH + gas fee, with the possibility of buying also in FIAT currency such as euros and dollars directly from the Newsstand of
Unsold copies will be burned to ensure the rarity of the edition.
The appointment for the drop is therefore for 2 February 2022 at 18:00 CET.