Art Backers Agency


    The Cultural Marketing Plan for Art

    The marketing plan is a phased process to define the set of resources necessary to satisfy a demand expressed by the market

    How to create an Art Community

    The world of art is also learning to reap the benefits that a cohesive community entails in terms of digital strategy.

    I 3 migliori Software Online per artisti

    Esistono alcuni software online, in grado di semplificare notevolmente il lavoro degli artisti, dalla gestione delle opere fino ai contenuti social.

    LinkedIn for Art

    LinkedIn è il social professionale per eccellenza, utile per creare il proprio network anche nel mondo dell’Arte.

    Digital Strategist for Art

    Like any figure in traditional marketing, the Digital Strategist must also have specific skills for the world of art

    Creating the Digital Strategy for Museums

    For a museum, having a digital strategy is essential to communicate effectively on the web, and to combine the physical with the online

    The Digital for Art

    Digital has made its disruptive entry into the world of art and it is good to start again from this, for an immediate and global future

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